
Another great Japanese word. Written with the characters "to pierce, penetrate" and "night", it means to pull an all-nighter.
We had a new CB issue and made dinner reserves for 9:30. Pushed them back to 10. Then 10:30. Switched restaurants since the Oak Door closes the kitchen at 10:30, so made reserves at 11:30 at Cicada. Then pushed it back to 12. Then 12:30.
In the mean time everyone was starving so I went down to the Am/Pm and loaded up on Pringles, bagwiches, and onigiri just to keep us alive for the next few hours.
Finally left the office and got over to Cicada before 1, cracked open some wine and ordered a bunch of appetizers.
Got home at 3am and was useless in the morning which didn't really help P and Tonchan, since Tonchan's been launching bodily fluids out both ends all week. She's got her baby wisdom teeth coming in, which is not so pleasant, and she's picking up all the lovely virii at school, so she's been throwing up at night and having lovely diarrhea. Understandably not eating much and kinda grumpy, but no fever and loves walking around holding P's hand.

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